Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I wasn’t going to update the blog again until our medical and dental kits were mailed, but I just wanted to write down all the poking and prodding I’ve endured before I forget. Dentist: I’ve been there 3 times so far and will go back for a 4th. 1st was for the initial check-up, 2nd was to fill 3 cavities at once (more hellish than I imaged), 3rd was to get another 2 cavities filled. Before I continue, I swear, I brush my teeth daily and see a dentist almost every 6 months but they said 4 out of 5 of them were very small cavities and just need to be filled to ensure they wouldn’t get bigger in the two years I’m gone. I eat a lot of sugar, what can I say! Then, I have to go to an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth out Jan 7th and the dentist wants to see me one more time for a final checkup and to finish my paperwork after that. I went to the doctor today (with what little vaccination history I could find through numerous calls) which was easy in comparison but had 4 needles stuck in my arms (polio booster, tetanus booster, TB test and blood drawn), peed in a cup and of course had the basic doctor poking. Best news of the day though is that she signed my kidney stone paperwork with no problems so I should not have to go to a urologist after all and that worry can be done…We plan to get our paperwork all in and mailed by the end of January. For the record, Chris only needed one cavity filled and already has a majority of vaccines so it should be easy for him! He does have to see an eye doc though which is one thing I don’t have to do. Phew!...While this is going on, we are still working on our French skills, volunteering in our PC areas (I’m mentoring and Chris is helping at an environmental farm/nature preserve) and all around researching, planning and going a little crazy waiting for final confirmation! Man, they really make sure you are dedicated before you go based on the rollercoaster you endure during the qualification process! Ok, I’ll be back when our medical packets are in…