Saturday, September 25, 2010

Background and Fingerprinting

We both received packets in the mail today with forms for a background check and fingerprinting. The letter that came with the packet was addressed to “Dear Applicant”, but it did say that they have received our application and we should be contacted by a recruiter in the next couple weeks. So, YAY! It’s now at least starting to feel official and we know the Peace Corps knows we exist!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Application... CHECK!

We officially submitted our applications online! It took about 3 weeks to finally complete the insanely long application that includes answering a million questions and an updated resume, 2 essays and choosing 3 references! Oy! No one but our references and Chris’ parents know at this point incase we don’t get nominated (i.e. picked to go). As soon as we hit “submit”, we got sent a basic health assessment form with questions on over 100 conditions. There were lots of “no’s” and “Never’s” to click. I did have to say I’ve had Kidney Stones in the past. Hopefully this won’t cause too much of an issue as I know they are hesitant to send people with chronic kidney stones, which, I wouldn’t say I have. We also got sent a “couples questionnaire” immediately after we applied which requires us to write out answers to 5 questions and send to our recruiter. We are forced to discuss all the challenges we will face as a couple which shouldn’t be too bad since we’ve already discussed this stuff, like, everyday. ☺